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ion compilation compilation compilation compilation compilation compilation co

introduction The following page shows you how to create a project from within the Borland C++ development environment.  Once the project has been created you can compile it into an executable.

ion compilation compilation compilation compilation compilation compilation co

After you've downloaded an example, unzip it to its own directory. Run the executable and watch the program at work. You might have to copy "glut32.dll" into the directory. Alternatively you could copy the glut dll into your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory.


  • Select "new project" from the speedbar. Doing so will open the target expert


  • The "Target Expert" will open, change the default settings to the ones shown above

  • In the project view, select these two files and delete them. As we are not creating Windows applications, resource files are not needed

  • Right click on the .exe file and select "Add node" from the menu that appears

  • A file window will appear and you should select the "glut32.lib" file. You should have put the .lib file somewhere handy

  • This file is used by the compiler to link your program to glut32.dll at runtime.

  • After you've done that your project view window should look something like this

  • Notice how I put the glut.lib file in the Borland "lib\gl" directory. I'll always be able to find it there!

  • Finally, double click the .cpp file in the project view

  • This will open a large file edit window, like the one to the right

  • Select the window and paste the contents of the buffer in to it

  • "Save All" with the file menu and compile the project!

After the project compiles to run it you MUST make sure that glut32.dll is in the current path. You do this either by having it in the same directory as the executable or in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory.

Happy experimenting! 

ion compilation compilation compilation compilation compilation compilation co

Website and content, Paul Groves